

Encouragement and Support of Commemorations and Remembrance

The main objective of our Branch is to fulfill an active role during commemorations at Canadian and other allied military cemeteries, monuments and ceremonies where fallen soldiers from the Second World War are remembered. In short, to promote commemoration and remembrance in our country by providing an active contribution.

Providing Education at Schools

An important Branch goal is education. This is defined as, upon request, to provide information about the period 1940-45. From contacts with municipalities, government and other institutions (schools), it has become evident that more and more attention is being paid to education concerning freedom, the liberation by the Allied forces, and the history of the Netherlands during the Second World War.

Conducting an Annual Poppy Campaign

Every year in October and November poppies decorate the lapels and collars of the Canadian population. Since 1921, the poppy has been the symbol of remembrance and the visual sign of our desire to never forget the Canadian soldiers who fell during the Second World War (and all armed conflicts) for our freedom. The poppy is also an international symbol of remembrance and adopted by many other countries to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the restoration of freedom. In the Netherlands, RCL Branch 005 organizes an annual poppy campaign with the aid of many volunteers. The proceeds from this campaign go to RCL Dominion Command.

Promoting the Common Bond

Another branch objective is to promote a good common bond and relationship among the members of our Branch.