Wij zijn de Bewakers van Herdenking

We are the Guardians of Remembrance

We will remember them

Wij zullen hen herinneren

We are the Guardians of Remembrance

Wij zijn de Bewakers van Herdenking

We will remember them

Wij zullen hen herinneren

We are the Guardians of Remembrance

Wij zijn de Bewakers van Herdenking

We will remember them

Wij zullen hen herinneren

We are the Guardians of Remembrance

Wij zijn de Bewakers van Herdenking

We will remember them

Wij zullen hen herinneren

We are the Guardians of Remembrance

Wij zijn de Bewakers van Herdenking

We will remember them

Wij zullen hen herinneren

The goal of RCL Branch 005 is to play an active role in ceremonies at Canadian and allied military cemeteries and at ceremonies where fallen soldiers from the Second World War are commemorated.

We also encourage commemoration and remembrance

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them.


Donations are always welcome.
Our organization has an ANBI status and all donations and gifts have a Tax Advantage.
Even a small donation is welcome, plus you will get our monthly newsletter.