Groesbeek and the 4 Days Marches of Nijmegen 2015
It is almost there again! The annual 4 Days Marches of Nijmegen will start on 21 July 2015. Many people will participate in these marches. Also military troops of all kind of nationalities and a large group of Canadians. On the third day, July 23, these men and women use the possibility to commemorate their fallen countrymen, by visiting the graves on the Canadian War Cemetery at the Zevenheuvelenweg in Groesbeek as they march by. During the ceremony, which attracts many spectators, they visit the many graves searching for relatives or family. This is an impressive event every year.
The names of 2590 fallen Canadians are on the gravestones; 1029 are blank. They are missed in action. Their names are engraved at the commemoration walls near the entrance of the cemetery. That is the reason why a few members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 005, the Liberation of the Netherlands, started the initiative for searching information and pictures of these deceased. To realise a foundation was set up named: Faces to Canadian War Graves Groesbeek, also known as Faces to Graves.
If you have pictures, information or could you contribute to reveal the identity of our liberators? Are you interested or would you like to become more known with the Foundation? Please click here or at the logo of Faces to Graves above.
Of course we would like to meet you at the Canadian War Cemetery at the Zevenheuvelenweg in Groesbeek on July 23, as of around 11.00AM (the ceremony starts at around 12.00AM). More information you will find in the calendar on our website
Mind you: because of the 4 Days Marches all roads around and to the cemetery in Groesbeek are closed for all traffic.